Speaking Appearances
(Decades of Teaching Other Lawyers)
- On January 10, 2024, Mr. Nathans presented at the University of Maryland School of Law on representing the wrongfully convicted.
- On September 9, 2023, Mr. Nathans served as a presenter at Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Martin Schreiber's investiture.
- On November 10, 2022, Mr. Biddle provided a briefing on federal habeas corpus proceedings arising from state court convictions at the University of Baltimore Law School.
- On March 8, 2022, Mr. Nathans lectured on representing post-conviction clients at the University of Maryland Law School.
- On October 7, 2021, Mr. Nathans lectured on defending white-collar criminal cases at the Washington and Lee University School of Law.
- On February 8th, 2021, and April 15, 2021, Mr. Nathans served as a guest lecturer in two separate University of Maryland Law School classes discussing prosecutorial disclosure, required performance of the defense counsel, and federal criminal procedure.
- On December 28, 2018, Mr. Nathans presented on “Teaching the Practice of Law through the Dramatic Arts: The Case of Michael Austin” at the Harvard Alumni Club in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On June 13, 2018, Mr. Biddle gave a presentation on winning federal criminal and civil forfeiture and restitution matters for the Maryland Federal Defender Office in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On October 20, 2017, Mr. Nathans served as a panel moderator in a discussion led by Chief United States District Court Judge Catherine C. Blake concerning federal criminal practice at the Tenth Biennial Bench-Bar Conference at the Maryland Southern Division Courthouse in Greenbelt, Maryland.
- On October 5, 2017, Mr. Nathans and the Honorable Richard D. Bennett (United States District Court Judge) taught a class on Legal Ethics at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On September 19, 2017, Mr. Ripke spoke about the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission at a Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney's Association (MCDAA) meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On March 18-19, 2017, Mr. Nathans participated in two panels discussing Charging, Bail and Pre-Trial Motions and Federal Sentencing, Prison Preparation, and Collateral Consequences. He also separately critiqued lawyer's mock presentations to the Government at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer's (NACDL) 5th Annual White Collar Criminal Defense College in St. Petersburg, Florida.
- On May 11, 2016, Mr. Biddle spoke to the Maryland Office of the Public Defender's Collateral Review Division in Baltimore, Maryland about litigating post-conviction claims pursuant to the federal habeas corpus statute, 28 U.S.C. § 2254.
- On September 18, 2015, Mr. Nathans presented for Maryland State Court Judges at the Maryland Judicial Institute In Annapolis, Maryland on various trial evidentiary related topics.
- On May 15, 2015, Mr. Biddle spoke at the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Federal Bar Association's Criminal Law Committee on "Demystifying and Fighting Forfeitures in Federal Court" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- On April 18, 2015, Mr. Ripke led a panel discussion at the 2015 Mid-Atlantic National Lawyer's Guild Conference concerning the Maryland Court of Appeals decision in State v. Unger, in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On April 9, 2015, Mr. Nathans was a panelist at the Maryland Judicial Institute concerning the proper use of character and impeachment evidence in Frederick, Maryland.
- On January 26, 2015, Mr. Ripke lectured at new staff training for the Maryland Office of the Public Defender on ethics and professionalism in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On September 19, 2014, Mr. Biddle spoke at the Western District of Missouri Criminal Justice Act Panel on Federal Forfeiture in Kansas City, Missouri.
- On May 28, 2014, Mr. Biddle lectured regarding federal forfeiture matters at the National Advanced Seminar for Federal Defenders in Cleveland, Ohio.
- On April 8, 2014, the University of Maryland School presented a play, "Broken Heart, Shattered Dreams," tracking our client Walter Lomax's 39 years in imprisonment regarding his wrongful murder conviction and his subsequent vindication in Baltimore City Circuit Court. Mr. Lomax was represented by Booth Ripke and Larry Nathans in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On March 20, 2014, Mr. Nathans participated in the "Overview of Handling a White Collar Case" panel at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) 3rd Annual White Collar Criminal Defense College in St. Petersburg, Florida.
- On May 10, 2013, Mr. Biddle lectured concerning Federal Asset Forfeiture Seizure Defense at the Criminal Justice Act Panel Training in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On March 19, 2013, Mr. Biddle discussed federal forfeiture at the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney's Association meeting in Annapolis, Maryland.
- In September 2013, Mr. Nathans lectured regarding Federal Sentencing Mitigation at Federal Bar Seminarsin Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska.
- On April 23, 2012, the University of Maryland School of Law presented a play entitled "[IN] JUSTICE for Michael Austin." The play tracked Mr. Austin's initial trial, the 27 years he spent in prison for a crime he did not commit, Larry Nathans and Booth Ripke's successful litigation in the Baltimore City Circuit Court and in making sure that Mr. Austin received the largest compensation award for a wrongfully incarcerated individual in Maryland history after Nathans & Ripke LLP, persuaded former Governor Robert Ehrlich to grant Mr. Austin a full pardon.
- On April 20, 2012, Mr. Biddle provided a federal forfeiture overview at the White Collar Practice Seminar sponsored by the Federal Bar Association District of Delaware and the Office of the Federal Defender in Wilmington, Delaware.
- On March 30, 2012, Mr. Ripke delivered a panel presentation for the Federal Bar Association on Coram Nobis proceedings and provided advice and consultation to other criminal defense lawyers on how to best litigate these issues successfully in Court in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On October 18, 2011, Mr. Ripke participated in a recognition ceremony for attorneys through the University of Maryland School of Law who participated in the South African legal externship program. In 1997, Mr. Ripke was selected to travel for four months to South Africa and provide support to constitutional law reform efforts being led by the Legal Resources Center.
- On June 2, 2011, Mr. Nathans led a panel discussion concerning several areas germane to White Collar criminal defense (Federal Forfeiture, Aggressive Investigation of Potential Witnesses, and Criminal Tax Violations) at the Advanced Federal Defender National Training Seminar. Mr. Biddle led the discussion regarding Federal Forfeiture defense. The seminar was held at the United States District Court in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 24-25, 2011, Mr. Nathans was a member of the Criminal Defense Panel for the New Lawyer's Professionalism Course in Annapolis, Maryland.
- On February 6, 2011, Mr. Nathans led a panel discussion regarding White Collar Fraud and Theft related sentencing issues at the 20th Annual National Federal Sentencing Guidelines Seminar in Orlando, Florida.
- On May 14, 2010, Mr. Nathans participated in the plea negotiation panel at the Nineteenth Annual Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in St. Petersburg, Florida.
- On April 23, 2010, Mr. Nathans served as a trial practice panel member at the Federal Bar Association, Maryland Chapter's Primer on Federal Criminal Law, and discussed the filing of federal criminal pretrial motions and 17(c) subpoenas in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On February 22, 2010, Mr. Nathans lectured about his firm's success in freeing Michael Austin, a man who spent 27 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, at the Catholic Law School, in Washington, D.C.
- On December 3, 2009, and May 29, 2009, and December 5, 2008, Mr. Nathans participated in the University of Maryland School of Law's Leadership, Ethics and Democracy Building (LEAD) program in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On September 14, 2009, Mr. Nathans participated with several federal judges at the Federal Judiciary Center examining the most effective use of federal courtrooms in a civil and criminal matter, in Washington, D.C.
- On May 15, 2009, Mr. Biddle discussed issues related to federal defendants prior criminal history at the Federal Criminal Justice Panel Training in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 13, 2009, Mr. Nathans was asked to lecture with United States Attorney Rod Rosenstein in the Baltimore Bar Association's Talking Lecture Program regarding current federal sentencing issues in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 2, 2008, Mr. Biddle lectured on victim impact involvement in federal sentencing at the Criminal Justice Panel Training Program in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On September 6, 2007, Mr. Biddle presented on Mitigating Evidence since the Supreme Court's decision in Booker and Fanfan at a federal criminal defense regional training program in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 20, 2007, Mr. Ripke lectured on freeing his innocent client after 39 years in prison, Walter Lomax, in Princeton, New Jersey.
- On May 18, 2007, Mr. Ripke appeared on WBAL with former Senator Clarence Mitchell to discuss legal relief for innocent persons in prison in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On January 19, 2007, Mr. Biddle lectured on the defense of multi-defendant federal cases at a regional federal criminal defense training program in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On June 1, 2006, Mr. Nathans discussed federal sentencing departures and post - Booker sentencing mitigation at the Fifteenth Annual National Sentencing Guidelines Seminar in Miami, Florida.
- On May 26, 2006, Mr. Biddle lectured about the effective use of defense mental health experts in obtaining lower federal sentences at the Federal Criminal Justice Panel Training program in Greenbelt, Maryland.
- On April 19, 2006, Mr. Nathans and Mr. Ripke analyzed the pending Supreme Court decision in House v. Bell (actual innocence case) at the University of Maryland School of Law Moot Court Board's Speakers Series Event in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 6, 2006, Mr. Nathans lectured about investigating and cross-examining informants at the national Life in the Balance seminar in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- On March 1, 2006, Mr. Nathans testified before the Maryland House Judiciary Committee in favor of two bills requiring uniformed police procedures during the taking of statements and identification procedures in Annapolis, Maryland.
- On December 1, 2005, Mr. Nathans appeared on National Public Radio's Weekend Edition morning program discussing State of Maryland v. John Thanos. NPR Radio Broadcast.
- On November 4-6, 2005, Nathans & Ripke LLP recently served as a sponsor of the ABA Criminal Justice Section 2005 Fall Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On June 2, 2005, Mr. Nathans lectured about investigating and cross-examining informants and accomplices at the Maryland State Public Defender's Conference in Ocean City, Maryland.
- On May 26, 2005, Mr. Nathans lectured about federal sentencing guidelines downward departures at the 14th Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in San Francisco, California.
- On May 13, 2005, Mr. Nathans and Mr. Ripke spoke about overturning innocent clients' convictions at the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association's Annual Spring Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On October 11, 2004, Mr. Nathans spoke about the ramifications of Blakely v. Washington at the Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers seminar in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On July 30, 2004, Mr. Nathans lectured on the Destruction of Accomplices by Effective Investigation and Impeachment at the Florida Public Defender's Annual Seminar in Ponte Vedra, Florida.
- On July 25, 2004, Mr. Biddle spoke at two programs at the 25th Annual Capital Punishment Training Conference hosted by the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. The programs were: Winning Impossible Cases: Lessons from Malvo, Nichols and a Locally Infamous Gang Case; and "There Are No Children Here" - Child Development In Violent Places program. The program was held in Warrenton, Virginia.
- On May 21, 2004, Mr. Nathans was selected to conduct Defense Attorney Training at the 13th Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in Miami, Florida.
- On April 28, 2004, Mr. Nathans spoke about freeing an innocent client from prison at the Johns Hopkins University Lecture Series in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On April 16, 2004, Mr. Nathans was on a panel discussing Civility and Professionalism in the Law at the American University School of Law in Washington, D.C.
- On February 3, 2004, Mr. Nathans lectured on Using Subpoenas to Tear Up Witnesses on Cross-examination at the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney's Association meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 29, 2003, Mr. Nathans was a panel member on Federal Sentencing: Downward Departures at the 12th Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in Miami, Florida.
- On May 9, 2003, Mr. Nathans spoke on Raising Mental Health Issues at Sentencing at the Maryland Federal Criminal Justice Act Panel Training in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On April 11, 2003, Mr. Nathans lectured on Dealing With the Press in High Profile cases at the Annual Women's Banquet at the University of Baltimore School of Law.
- On November 3, 2002, Mr. Nathans discussed the Aggressive Use of 17(c) Subpoenas in Defending Federal Criminal Cases at the Federal Justice Act seminar in Greenbelt, Maryland.
- On June 14, 2002, Mr. Nathans participated in a panel about in the Spotlight: How Lawyers Can Handle High Profile Cases at the Maryland State Bar Association Annual Seminar in Ocean City, Maryland.
- On May 10, 2002, Mr. Nathans presented on a panel concerning Defense Attorney Training at the Eleventh Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in Palm Springs, California.
- On November 3, 2000, Mr. Nathans discussed Case Law and Sentencing Update for Federal Criminal Practitioners at the Criminal Justice Act Training Program in Greenbelt, Maryland.
- On May 21, 2000, Mr. Nathans participated on a panel regarding Defense Attorney Training at the Ninth Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in Clearwater, Florida.
- On May 19, 2000, Mr. Nathans spoke at the Federal Criminal Justice Act seminar regarding the Recent Federal Criminal Sentencing Jurisprudence in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On November 5, 1999, Mr. Nathans discussed Representation in Substantial Assistance Cases at the Federal Criminal Act Panel seminar in Greenbelt, Maryland.
- On May 14, 1999, Mr. Nathans led a discussion concerning New Federal Sentencing Cases at the Federal Criminal Justice Act Panel seminar in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On May 10, 1999, Mr. Nathans lectured concerning Substantial Assistance, Other Downward Departure Cases, and Guideline Amendments at the Eighth National Annual Federal Sentencing Guidelines Seminar in Clearwater, Florida.
- On March 4, 1999, Mr. Nathans gave a presentation on the 1998 Downward Departure Case Law at the 13th Annual American Bar Association’s National Institute on White Collar Crime in San Francisco, California.
- On November 6, 1998, Mr. Nathans lectured about New Federal Sentencing Case Law at the Federal Criminal Justice Act seminar in Greenbelt, Maryland.
- On May 14, 1998, Mr. Nathans spoke about Post-Koon Era Downward Departure Jurisprudence at the Seventh Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in Clearwater, Florida.
- On May 2, 1997, Mr. Nathans discussed Substantial Assistance and Downward Departures at the Sixth Annual National Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in San Francisco, California.
- On November 8-12, 1997, Mr. Nathans participated in a panel concerning the Nuts and Bolts Approach to Law Office Management at the 117th Meeting of the Bar Association of Baltimore City in Baltimore, Maryland.
- In June 1995, Mr. Nathans and Mr. Biddle participated in a panel discussing Federal Sentencing at the Maryland State Bar Association's Annual Meeting in the Ocean City, Maryland.
- On November 8-12, 1993, Mr. Nathans lectured at the Orientation Seminar for Assistant Federal Defenders concerning Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Downward Departures in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- In September, 1993, Mr. Nathans lectured regarding Federal Sentencing Mitigation at Federal Bar Seminars in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska.
- On May 11, 1991, Mr. Nathans lectured on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Downward Departures at the Orientation Seminar for New Assistant Federal Public Defenders in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- On November 11, 1990, Mr. Nathans spoke about Case Preparation and the Effective Use of Defense Investigators at the National Orientation Seminar for New Assistant Federal Public Defenders in Phoenix, Arizona.
- In 1990, Mr. Nathans lectured at the Seminar for Advanced Federal Defenders regarding Federal Plea Bargain Negotiations in Washington, D.C.
- On December 4, 1989, Mr. Nathans discussed Aggressive Defense Investigation in Federal Criminal Cases at the New Assistant National Federal Training Seminar in Phoenix, Arizona.
- On May 19, 1989, Mr. Nathans participated in a panel discussion concerning Plea Bargaining with United States District Court Judge Frederick Smalkin and United States Attorney Breckinridge Wilcox at the Federal Bar Seminar in Baltimore, Maryland.
- On December 12, 1988, Mr. Nathans lectured about Criminal Defense Investigation at the New Assistant National Federal Training Seminar in Aurora, Colorado.
- In 1987, Mr. Nathans spoke at the Thirteenth National Defender Investigator Association Seminar concerning Coordinating a Criminal Defense Investigation in Baltimore, Maryland.
Recent Unsolicited Client Testimonials
“Words cannot express our thanks and appreciation for all of the help you provided”
- Parents of University student investigated for but not charged with sexual assaultDear Larry, Words cannot express our thanks and appreciation for all of the help you provided (name) and our family. Your care, comfort, and reassurance during a very difficult period meant the world to us.
“You’ll always be my super hero. Thank you again for everything.”
Larry, Wishing you a Merry Christmas full of warmth, peace and the greatest of blessings. You’ll always be my super hero. Thank you again for everything.- Client not charged with embezzling funds from company employer -
“You have made a huge difference in the life of a young man and a I want you to know how grateful we all are to you.”
“Dear Larry: As both a father and a lawyer I am extremely grateful to you and appreciative of your successful efforts on behalf of (name). We are all extremely relieved that this matter is behind us and that it was so favorably resolved.”- Father of Former Client -
“I really appreciate the work and representation you gave me…”
“Larry, I just wanted to write you a note to say Thank You! I really appreciate the work and representation you gave me…”- Former Client -
“I recommend your firm to absolutely everyone.”
“Dear Mr. Nathans and Mr. Ripke, Thank you so much. I am very impressed with the outcome! I appreciate all of your time and hard work. I recommend your firm to absolutely everyone.”- Former Client -
“I am blessed to be at home this holiday approaching New Year. With no small thanks to you all!”
“Dear Larry, Our very best wishes to all of you at Nathans & Biddle. I am blessed to be at home this holiday approaching New Year. With no small thanks to you all! Thanks for everything. You’re a magician….”- Former Client -
“We are acutely aware that the outcome could have been very dire without your good work.”
“Dear Larry, I write for (names omitted) to say a heartfelt “thank you” for all your work on our behalf. We are acutely aware that the outcome could have been very dire without your good work.”- Wife of Former Attorney Client -
“I just want to thank you for being my friend.”
“Today I celebrate my 69th Birthday. Your support and efforts to effect my freedom has made this a great day for me. I just want to thank you for being my friend.”- Former Client

Recognized in Best Lawyers in America® for the last Eighteen Years
Our Baltimore attorneys have a legacy of positive results and are leaders in the legal community. To benefit from our service, call a lawyer at Nathans & Ripke LLP, and schedule a confidential consultation.
Leadership Positions
Members of our firm have held many leadership positions, including former Chair of the American Bar Association White Collar Subcommittee on Federal Sentencing, & the American Bar Association Subcommittee on Forfeiture.
Knowledge & Experience
Nearly 100 years of combined experience and insights into complex federal and white collar criminal defense.
Honors & Accolades
Larry Allen Nathans was recognized by Best Lawyers® as Baltimore' Lawyer of the Year for While-Collar Criminal Defense (2025 and 2021) and Criminal Defense - General (2015) and as one of the Best Lawyers in America® in both While Collar and Criminal Defense - General (2008-2025).